COMPLAINT FORM 1. Complainant’s information: This information must be provided. The identity of complainants will be kept confidential if they request so. Salutation*: Mr.Ms.Company Name* Company Street Postal Code Country* Phone number* Your Email Is there a representative making this complaint on behalf of the of directly affected people/complainant(s)*? YesNo 2. Project Information: Project name (and project number if known)* Project location (Region, City, Village etc.)* 3. About the complaint: Indicate when the problem occurred* Describe what harm do you believe the KCGF supported financed project caused or is likely to cause to you (maximum 500 characters)* Describe actions taken so far to address adverse impact (maximum 500 characters).* Provide an indication, which of KCGF’s policies has allegedly been breached (if relevant) (maximum 500 characters). Please include any other information that you consider relevant. 4. Confidentiality I request Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund to keep my complaint (as well as all I've sent via e-mail) confidential. * YesNo If you elect to keep your complaint confidential, KCGF will neither reveal your identity to nor share materials you have sent via e-mail with the project sponsor and will get in touch with you on the process how to handle the complaint. Note: Fields marked * are mandatory. Please send a proof/supporting documents via e-mail to Δ 1. Complainant’s information: This information must be provided. The identity of complainants will be kept confidential if they request so. Salutation*: Mr.Ms.Company Name* Company Street Postal Code Country* Phone number* Your Email Is there a representative making this complaint on behalf of the of directly affected people/complainant(s)*? Yes.No 2. Project Information: Project name (and project number if known)* Project location (Region, City, Village etc.)* 3. About the complaint: Indicate when the problem occurred* Describe what harm do you believe the KCGF supported financed project caused or is likely to cause to you (maximum 500 characters)* Describe actions taken so far to address adverse impact (maximum 500 characters).* Provide an indication, which of KCGF’s policies has allegedly been breached (if relevant) (maximum 500 characters). Please include any other information that you consider relevant. 4. Confidentiality I request Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund to keep my complaint (as well as all I've sent via e-mail) confidential. * Yes.No If you elect to keep your complaint confidential, KCGF will neither reveal your identity to nor share materials you have sent via e-mail with the project sponsor and will get in touch with you on the process how to handle the complaint. Note: Fields marked * are mandatory. Please send a proof/supporting documents via e-mail to Δ