Agro Window offer guarantees to financial institutions covering the credit risk to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that are active in agriculture sector, being registered in KBRA or farmers possesing the Farm Identification Number (FIN).

By being focused in this important sector of local economy, we enable the sustainable development of this sector as well. This will have a direct impact on increasing the employment in this sector and in import substitution of food products.


Registered Financial Institutions of FKGK are banks, microfinance institutions and leasing below:


Banka Ekonomike Sh.A., Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, Banka per Biznes Sh.A., NLB Banka Sh.A., ProCredit Bank Kosovo J.S.C., Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo J.S.C., TEB Sh.A.

Microfinance institutions:

*Agjencioni për Financim në Kosovë (AFK)   *FINCA Kosovo  *KEP Trust   *Kreditimi Rural i Kosovës (KRK).



Guarantees will be provided for the amount up to 60% of the agrobusiness loan principal for guarantees up to EUR 50,000, or up to 50%  for the guarantees over EUR 50,000. Guarantee loan can be also in a lower;

  • Guarantees will be provided for the businesses registered in KBRA bor farmers equiped with Farmers Certificate and Identification number of the Farm ( INF)
  • Guarantees will be provided also for investment projects in agro sector
  • Minimum amount of agro loan is EUR 3,000;
  • Maximum amount of Agro Loan is  EUR 3,000,000;
  • Maximum cregit guarantee exposure that KCGF provides to borrower or related group of borrowers will be EUR 500,000, whereas the maximum lending exposure  will be EUR 5,000,000;
  • The maximum repayment period of the guaranteed loan is up to 120 months;
  • All agro loans possesing working capital, fixed assets and capital investments will be part of teh guarantee scheme with favorable conditions
  • Type of guarantee: Revolving;
  • Inclusion period: Two years ( until end of October 2024).


  • The potential borrower (registered agro business in KBRA or fermer equiped with Farm Identification Number FIN) does not apply for a guarantee in KCGF, but,  applies for a loan at one of the Registered Financial Institutions of KCGF.
  • The Registered Financial Institution after performing the usual credit analysis by applying the loan approval standards and if the company meets the KCGF criteria, then the relevant RFI will place the loan under the KCGF credit guarantee.