



on the Environmental and Social Management Framework for the proposed


The objective of the Project is to improve access to finance for MSMEs, which in the same time are the main beneficiaries together with the lenders. According to the World Bank policy on Environmental Assessment, during the EA process, the Implementing Agency consults project-affected groups.

This document applies to all activities under the Kosovo Financial Sector Strengthening Project solely and you can find it here: www.fondikgk.org/en/policies.

The Environmental and Social Management Framework document is a draft document, and that we expect to update Annex 8 within the next few days. The public will be informed about the updated annex in the link: www.fondikgk.org/en/news-publications.

Public disclosure and call for comments and proposals on proposed Environmental and Social Management Framework will be held in the period between 12 February to 26 February 2019.

We invite the public for the submission of their opinions and suggestions on the proposed Environmental and Social Management Framework no later than 21 February 2019 to the Implementing Agency using the contact details below: e-mail: [email protected]

mail: Fondi Kosovar për Garanci Kreditore (for Call for Public Consultation)

Anton Çetta 5A 10 000 Prishtina

The public presentation of the Framework will be held on 22 February , 2019 at 10 a.m. in the KCGF premises, at Anton Çetta 5A, Prishtina, Kosovo.

Notice 21 February 19: Annex 8 of the Environmental and Social Management Framework document has been updated and now is part of the final draft of the document.

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JONI SH – An Enterprise with a Vision

JONI SH - An Enterprise with a Vision   In the heart of Ballofc village in Podujeva, we unveil a success story centered around JONI SH Shpk, an enterprise founded in 2016 by Alban Shabani, a young man with an entrepreneurial spirit and a clear vision. JONI SH...