
First capital contribution

The Law on the Establishment of the FKGK is approved

The constitution of the Board of Directors

Signing of the first guarantee agreements with Banks

The 10 million euro Guarantee Agreement is signed between the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) and the Swedish Agency for Development and International Cooperation (SIDA)

Agreements are signed between the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Ministry of Finance in the amount of 7.450 million euros for the increase of the capital of KCGF

The Agro Window is launched

KCGF joins the European Association of Guarantee Institutions – AECM

The agreement between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and KCGF for the COSME Program is signed

The cooperation agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC/MFK Foundation of the Millennium Kosovo is signed

The agreement is signed between the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Ministry of Finance and Transfers worth 6.5 million euros, for the increase of the capital of KCGF

The project “Strengthening the Financial Sector” is signed

The agreement between the German Development Bank (KfW) and KCGF for the increase of capital for the COVID-19 pandemic is signed

The Law on Economic Recovery COVID-19 is approved

Approval of the law on Economic Recovery Covid-19

The agreement is signed between the German Development Bank (KfW) and KCGF for the capital increase in the amount of 6 million euros

The implementation of the Economic Recovery Program begins

KCGF signs the first guarantee agreements with Microfinance Institutions

The GROW Window is launched

Amendement of  the Law No. 05/L-057 on the establishment of the KCGF

The Export Window is launched

Started the European Investment Bank (EIB) project implementation 


The Window for Women in Business launched

The Window for Start Up launched

The agreement for the re-guarantee with Sida sined


The Diaspora Investment Window launched.